Friday, September 26, 2008


this morning, my brand new niece arvilla turned one week old.
i feel like a bad aunt for not having written a congratulatory post the very day she was born,
congratulations juli and tom!

i'm looking forward to going down to st. george soon to see her (and photograph her)!

i am an only child, so obviously i have no siblings to provide me with nieces and nephews. luckily, i inherited six lovely nieces (and five lovely siblings-in-law) when i married andy. the niece count has now reached seven, with another one due this week AND another one of andy's sisters is expecting a baby in the spring.

babies, babies, everywhere. what an exciting time.


Tom and Juli said...

I'm so excited for her to meet her favorite Aunt Claire.

c.m. said...

as am I! i think we're coming down this weekend, so we'll see you then.